Configuring Quality of Service 455
console(config-cmap)# match access-group dell
console(config-cmap)# exit
console(config)# exit
console> show class-map class1
Class Map match-all class1 (id4)
Defining QoS Aggregate Policers
After a packet is classified, the policing process begins. A policer specifies the bandwidth limit for
incoming traffic on the classified flow and actions are defined for packets that exceed the limits.
These actions include forwarding packets, dropping packets, or remarking packets with a new
DSCP value.
Your switch supports per flow and aggregate policers.
Aggregate policers enforce limits on a group of flows. An aggregate policer cannot be deleted if it is
being used in a policy map. First delete the aggregate policer from all policy maps by using the
police aggregate command
before using the
no qos aggregate-policer
Use the
QoS Aggregate Policer
page to specify the bandwidth limits and define actions to take on
packets that do not meet the requirements. To open the page, click
Quality of Service
QoS Mode
Aggregate Policer
in the tree view.
Figure 10-15. QoS Aggregate Policer Page
Aggregate Policer Name
—Specifies the aggregate policer name.
Ingress Committed Information Rate (CIR)
— CIR in bits per second.