Configuring Quality of Service 457
Defining Aggregate Policers Using the CLI Commands
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
console# qos aggregate policer policer1 124000 96000 exceed-action
console> show qos aggregate police policer1
aggregate-policer policer1 96000 4800 exceed-action drop
not used by any policy map
Defining Policies
A policy is a collection of classes, each of which is a combination of a class map and a QoS action to
apply to matching traffic. Classes are applied in a first-fit manner within a policy.
Before configuring policies for classes whose match criteria are defined in a class map, you must
define a class map or specify the name of the policy map to be created, added to, or modified. Class
policies can be configured in a policy map only if the classes have defined match criteria.
An aggregate policer can be applied to multiple classes in the same policy map, but an aggregate
policer cannot be used across different policy maps. Define an aggregate policer if the policer is
shared with multiple classes. Policers in one port cannot be shared with other policers in another
device. Traffic from two different ports can be aggregated for policing purposes.
To open the
QoS Policy
page, click
Quality of Service
Advanced QoS Mode
in the tree
Table 10-14. Aggregate Policer CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
qos aggregate-
| policed-dscp-
Defines the police parameters that can be
applied to multiple traffic classes within the
same policy map.
show qos aggregate
police [
Displays the aggregate policer parameter.