PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1129
Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information
Syntax: show ip vrrp-extended brief | ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum> | ve <num> | stat
The brief parameter displays summary information. Refer to “Displaying summary information” on
page 1122.
If you specify a port, the <slotnum> parameter is required on chassis devices.
The <portnum> parameter specifies an Ethernet port. If you use this parameter, the command
displays detailed VRRP or VRRPE information only for the specified port. Refer to “Displaying
detailed information” on page 1123.
The ve <num> parameter specifies a virtual interface. If you use this parameter, the command
displays detailed VRRP or VRRPE information only for the specified virtual interface. Refer to
“Displaying detailed information” on page 1123.
The statistic parameter displays statistics. This parameter is required for displaying the statistics.
This display shows the following information.
TABLE 198 CLI display of VRRP or VRRPE statistics
This field... Displays...
Interface statistics
Interface The interface on which VRRP or VRRPE is configured. If VRRP or VRRPE is
configured on more than one interface, the display lists the statistics
separately for each interface.
rxed vrrp header error count The number of VRRP or VRRPE packets received by the interface that had a
header error.
rxed vrrp auth error count The number of VRRP or VRRPE packets received by the interface that had an
authentication error.
rxed vrrp auth passwd mismatch
error count
The number of VRRP or VRRPE packets received by the interface that had a
password value that does not match the password used by the interface for
rxed vrrp vrid not found error
The number of VRRP or VRRPE packets received by the interface that
contained a VRID that is not configured on this interface.
VRID statistics
rxed arp packet drop count The number of ARP packets addressed to the VRID that were dropped.
rxed ip packet drop count The number of IP packets addressed to the VRID that were dropped.
rxed vrrp port mismatch count The number of packets received that did not match the configuration for the
receiving interface.
rxed vrrp ip address mismatch
The number of packets received that did not match the configured IP
rxed vrrp hello interval mismatch
The number of packets received that did not match the configured Hello
rxed vrrp priority zero from
master count
The current Master has resigned.
rxed vrrp higher priority count The number of VRRP or VRRPE packets received by the interface that had a
higher backup priority for the VRID than this Layer 3 Switch backup priority for
the VRID.