PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 407
Configuring a trunk group
The to keyword indicates that you are specifying a range. Specify the lower port number in the
range first, then to, then the higher port number in the range.
Deleting a static trunk group
Use the command in this section to delete a static trunk group.
To delete an LACP trunk group, use the CLI command no link-aggregate active | passive.
To delete a trunk group, use no in front of the command you used to create the trunk group. For
example, to remove one of the trunk groups configured in the examples above, enter the following
PowerConnect(config)#no trunk ethernet 1/1 to 1/2 ethernet 3/3 to 3/4
Syntax: no trunk ethernet <port> to <port> [ethernet <port> to <port>]...
The <port> variable specifies an individual port. Specify the <port> variable in the following
• PowerConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <stack-unit/slotnum/portnum>
You can enter the ethernet <port> parameter multiple times to specify a list.
The to keyword indicates that you are specifying a range of ports. Specify the lower port number in
the range first, then to, then the higher port number in the range.
Specifying the minimum number of ports in a static trunk group
You can configure Dell PowerConnect devices to disable all of the ports in a trunk group when the
number of active member ports drops below a specified threshold value. For example, if a trunk
group has 4 ports, and the threshold for the trunk group is 3, then the trunk group is disabled if the
number of available ports in the trunk group drops below 3. If the trunk group is disabled, then
traffic is forwarded over a different link or trunk group.
For example, the following commands establish a trunk group consisting of 4 ports, then establish
a threshold for this trunk group of three ports.
PowerConnect(config)#trunk e 3/31 to 3/34
PowerConnect(config-trunk-3/31-3/34)#threshold 3
In this example, if the number of active ports drops below three, then all the ports in the trunk
group are disabled.
Syntax: [no] threshold <number>
• <number> - Specify a threshold number from 2 (default) up to the number of ports in a trunk
group. The total number of threshold ports must be greater than 1.
When using the no threshold command, it is not necessary to enter a number.
Configuration notes:
• This feature is supported on static trunk groups only. It is not supported on LACP trunk groups.
• When UDLD is enabled on a trunk port, trunk threshold is not supported.