502 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Displaying VLAN information
Syntax: show vlans [<vlan-id> | ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum>]
The <vlan-id> parameter specifies a VLAN for which you want to display the configuration
The <slotnum> parameter is required on chassis devices.
The <portnum> parameter specifies a port. If you use this parameter, the command lists all the
VLAN memberships for the port.
Displaying global VLAN information
The show vlan brief command displays the following information:
• The system-max VLAN values (maximum, default, and current )
• The default VLAN ID number
• The total number of VLANs configured on the device
• The VLAN ID numbers of the VLANs configured on the device
The following shows example output.
Syntax: show vlan brief
Displaying VLAN information for specific ports
Use one of the following methods to display VLAN information for specific ports.
To display VLAN information for all the VLANs of which port 7/1 is a member, enter the following
PowerConnect# show vlan 4
Total PORT-VLAN entries: 5
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 3210
PORT-VLAN 4, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree Off
Untagged Ports: None
Tagged Ports: 6 9 10 11
Uplink Ports: None
DualMode Ports: 7 8
PowerConnect# show vlan 3
Total PORT-VLAN entries: 5
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 3210
PORT-VLAN 3, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree Off
Untagged Ports: None
Tagged Ports: 6 7 8 9 10
Uplink Ports: None
DualMode Ports: None
PowerConnect# show vlan brief
System-max vlan Params: Max(4095) Default(64) Current(3210)
Default vlan Id :1
Total Number of Vlan Configured :5
VLANs Configured :1 to 4 10