508 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
VLAN names
Fixed core and dynamic edge
GVRP learning is enabled on the edge devices. The VLANs on the core device are statically
configured, and the core device is enabled to advertise its VLANs but not to learn VLANs. The edge
devices learn the VLANs from the core.
Fixed core and fixed edge
The VLANs are statically configured on the core and edge devices. On each edge device, VLAN
advertising is enabled but learning is disabled. GVRP is not enabled on the core device. This
configuration enables the devices in the edge clouds to learn the VLANs configured on the edge
VLAN names
The show vlans command lists VLANs created by GVRP as “GVRP_VLAN_<vlan-id>”. VLAN names
for statically configured VLANs are not affected. To distinguish between statically-configured VLANs
that you add to the device and VLANs that you convert from GVRP-configured VLANs into
statically-configured VLANs, the show vlans command displays a converted VLAN name as
Configuration notes
• If you disable GVRP, all GVRP configuration information is lost if you save the configuration
change (write memory command) and then reload the software. However, if you reload the
software without first saving the configuration change, the GVRP configuration is restored
following a software reload.
• The maximum number of VLANS supported on a device enabled for GVRP is the same as the
maximum number on a device that is not enabled for GVRP.
• To display the maximum number of VLANs allowed on your device, enter the show default
values command. See the “vlan” row in the System Parameters section. Make sure you
allow for the default VLAN (1), the GVRP base VLAN (4093), and the Single STP VLAN
(4094). These VLANs are maintained as “Registration Forbidden” in the GVRP database.
Registration Forbidden VLANs cannot be advertised or learned by GVRP.
• To increase the maximum number of VLANs supported on the device, enter the
system-max vlan <num> command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI, then save the
configuration and reload the software. The maximum number you can specify is listed in
the Maximum column of the show default values display.
• The default VLAN (VLAN 1) is not advertised by the Dell implementation of GVRP. The default
VLAN contains all ports that are not members of statically configured VLANs or VLANs enabled
for GVRP.
The default VLAN has ID 1 by default. You can change the VLAN ID of the default VLAN, but only
before GVRP is enabled. You cannot change the ID of the default VLAN after GVRP is enabled.