178 Using the CLI
Adding 0 symbols for standalone.
CPU: Motorola E500 : Unknown system version.
Processor #0.
Memory Size: 0x10000000. BSP version 1.2/0.
Created: Jan 4 2010, 03:59:27
ED&R Policy Mode: deployed
/DskVol// - disk check in progress ...
dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to TUE JUN
28 14:29:04 2005
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor
pointer: 0x348ef70
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:00 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27
00:00:00 1990
/DskVol// - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 15,147
# of free clusters: 5,299
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 10,598 Kb
max contiguous free space: 8,345,600 bytes
# of files: 30
# of folders: 1
total bytes in files: 19,656 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0