GVRP Commands 325
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port-Channel) mode
User Guidelines
An Access port cannot join dynamically to a VLAN because it is always a
member of only one VLAN.
Membership in untagged VLAN would be propagated in a same way as a
tagged VLAN. In such cases it is the administrator’s responsibility to set the
PVID to be the untagged VLAN VID.
The following example enables GVRP on ethernet 1/g8.
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g8
console(config-if-1/g8)#gvrp enable
gvrp registration-forbid
Use the gvrp registration-forbid command in Interface Configuration mode
to deregister all VLANs on a port and prevent any dynamic registration on the
port. To allow dynamic registering for VLANs on a port, use the no form of
this command.
gvrp registration-forbid
no gvrp registration-forbid
Default Configuration
Dynamic registering and deregistering for each VLAN on the port is not
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port-Channel) mode