Configuring Switching Information 377
Binding IP Subnets to VLANs Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• VLAN Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Protocol Group
In a protocol-based VLAN, traffic is bridged through specified ports based on the VLAN’s protocol. User-
defined packet filters determine if a particular packet belongs to a particular VLAN. Protocol-based
VLANs are most often used in situations where network segments contain hosts running multiple
Use the Protocol Group page to configure which EtherTypes go to which VLANs, and then enable
certain ports to use these settings.
To display the Protocol Group page, click Switching
Protocol Group in the tree view.
Table 7-30. IP Subnet - VLAN Binding Commands
CLI Command Description
vlan association subnet Associates an IP subnet to a VLAN
show vlan association subnet Displays the VLAN associated with a specific configured IP subnet.