718 Configuring IP Multicast
ip pimsm spt-threshold Configures the Data Threshold rate for the last hop router to switch to
the shortest path.
ip pimsm ssm Defines the Source Specific Multicast (SSM) range of IP multicast
show ip mcast Displays the system-wide multicast information.
show ip mcast boundary Displays all the configured administrative scoped multicast
show ip mcast interface Displays the multicast information for the specified interface.
show ip mcast mroute Displays a summary or all the details of the multicast table.
show ip mcast mroute group Displays the multicast configuration settings such as flags, timer
settings, incoming and outgoing interfaces, RPF neighboring routers,
and expiration times of all the entries in the multicast mroute table
containing the groupipaddr value.
show ip mcast mroute source Displays the multicast configuration settings such as flags, timer
settings, incoming and outgoing interfaces, RPF neighboring routers,
and expiration times of all the entries in the multicast mroute table
containing the sourceipaddr or sourceipaddr | groupipaddr pair
show ip mcast mroute static Displays all the static routes configured in the static mcast table if it is
specified or display the static route associated with the particular
show ip pimsm bsr Displays the bootstrap router (BSR) information.
show ip pimsm interface Displays interface config parameters.
show ip pimsm rphash Displays which rendezvous point (RP) is being selected for a specified
show ip pimsm rp mapping Displays all group-to-RP mappings of which the router is aware (either
configured or learned from the bootstrap router (BSR)).
Table 12-1. Multicast Global Commands
CLI Command Description