NOTE: You must be logged in as root or an equivalent user to perform the following procedures.
NOTE: You must have the useradd utility installed on your system to perform the following procedures.
Creating Users
NOTE: For information about creating users and user groups, see your operating system documentation.
Creating Users With User Privileges
1. Run the following command from the command line: useradd -d <home-directory> -g <group>
<username> where <group> is not root.
NOTE: If <group> does not exist, create it by using the groupadd command.
2. Type passwd <username> and press <Enter>.
3. When prompted, enter a password for the new user.
NOTE: Assign a password to every user account that can access Server Administrator to protect access to
your critical system components.
The new user can now log in to Server Administrator with User group privileges.
Creating Users With Power User Privileges
1. Run the following command from the command line:useradd -d <home-directory> -g <group>
NOTE: Set root as the primary group.
2. Type passwd <username> and press <Enter>.
3. When prompted, enter a password for the new user.
NOTE: Assign a password to every user account that can access Server Administrator to protect access to
your critical system components.
The new user can now log in to Server Administrator with Power User group privileges.
Editing Server Administrator User Privileges On Linux Operating Systems
NOTE: You must be logged in as root or an equivalent user to perform the following procedures.
1. Open the omarolemap file located at /opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/omarolemap.
2. Add the following in the file: <User_Name>[Tab]<Host_Name>[Tab]<Rights>
The following table lists the legend for adding the role definition to the omarolemap file
Table 4. Legend for adding the role definition in OpenManage Server Administrator
<User_Name> <Host_Name> <Rights>
User Name Host Name Administrator
(+) Group Name Domain User
Wildcard (*) Wildcard (*) User
[Tab] = \t (tab
The following table lists the examples for adding the role definition to the omarolemap file.