Figure 4. Sample Preferences Home Page - Managed System
Managed System Preferences
When you log in to a remote system, the Preferences home page defaults to the Node Configuration window under the
Preferences tab.
Click the Server Administrator object to enable or disable access to users with User or Power User privileges.
Depending on the user’s group privileges, the Server Administrator object action window may have the Preferences tab.
Under the Preferences tab, you can:
• Enable or disable access to users with User or Power User privileges
• Select the format of alert messages
NOTE: The possible formats are traditional and enhanced. The default format is traditional, which is the legacy
• Configure the Command Log Size
• Configure SNMP
Server Administrator Web Server Preferences
When you log in to manage the Server Administrator Web server, the Preferences home page defaults to the User
Preferences window under the Preferences tab.
Due to the separation of the Server Administrator Web server from the managed system, the following options are
displayed when you log in to the Server Administrator Web server, using the Manage Web Server link:
• Web Server Preferences
• X.509 Certificate Management
For more information about accessing these features, see Server Administrator Services Overview.
Dell Systems Management Server Administration Connection Service And Security Setup
Setting User And System Preferences
You can set user and secure port system preferences from the Preferences home page.
NOTE: You must be logged in with Administrator privileges to set or reset user or system preferences.