Or if activities are scheduled for later:
These activities are programmed by your clinician for your care. These activities can
• Takingmeasurements
• Medicationreminders
• Nurse’sinstructions(mayincludenurse’squestionsandpredefinedanswers)
It is very important that you complete all activities when requested.
The Main Menu screen includes options to:
• Reportsymptoms
• Takemeasurements
• Seenurse’sinstructions
To report symptoms, press “Report Symptoms” and follow the instructions on
the screen.
To take measurements, press “Take Measurements” and follow the instructions on
the screen.
To check the nurse’s instructions, press “See Nurse’s Instructions” and follow
the instructions on the screen.
Note: This option will not exist if nurse’s instructions have not been entered.
To adjust speaker volume or dial Central Server now, press “Setup” on the Main Menu.
DL-00035 Rev. 4