DL-00035 Rev. 4
allow you to measure:
• Bloodpressure
• Pulseoximetry
• Temperature
• Prothrombintime
• Fluidstatus
• Bloodglucose
• Weight
For each selection, the monitor will display detailed instructions on how to take
each measurement. You should be familiar with the operation and use of the vital
signs accessories attached to your monitor. If you have difficulty, or if the monitor
displays an error message, call your clinician.
prompt will alert you to: “Please remain still, measurement may take some time.”
After the measurement is complete, the measurement results will be displayed on
the screen.
After each measurement, you will be asked if you have more measurements to
do. Answer “Yes” or “No.”
If you answer “Yes,” the monitor will continue to store measurements in memory
and send them to your clinician all at once when you are finished. Press “No” if
“No,” the monitor will immediately send this information to your clinician. Once it
is finished sending the data, you can continue taking more measurements using
the “Take Measurements” button on the Main Menu.
the screen will advance to the next scheduled activity.