6. Troubleshooting
Error code Description Action
0E05 DCNT operand CXXX misuse
0E18 BCD conversion error
0E19 Division error (divisor=0)
0E1A Device use is out of range (including index registers E, F)
0E1B Negative number after radical expression
0E1C FROM/TO communication error
0F04 Operand word device D register exceeds limit
0F05 DCNT operand DXXX misuse
0F06 SFTR operand misuse
0F07 SFTL operand misuse
0F08 REF operand misuse
0F09 Improper use of operands of WSFR, WSFL instructions
0F0A Times of using TTMR, STMR instruction exceed the range
0F0B Times of using SORT instruction exceed the range
0F0C Times of using TKY instruction exceed the range
0F0D Times of using HKY instruction exceed the range
1000 ZRST operand misuse
10EF E and F misuse operand or exceed the usage range
2000 Usage exceed limit (MTR, ARWS, TTMR, PR, HOUR)
Check the D1137
(Error step number)
Re-enter the
instruction correctly
Error code Description Action
C400 An unrecognized instruction code is being used
C401 Loop Error
C402 LD / LDI continuously use more than 9 times
C403 MPS continuously use more than 9 times
C404 FOR-NEXT exceed 6 levels
STL / RET used between FOR and NEXT
SRET / IRET used between FOR and NEXT
MC / MCR used between FOR and NEXT
END / FEND used between FOR and NEXT
C407 STL continuously use more than 9 times
C408 Use MC / MCR in STL, Use I / P in STL
C409 Use STL/RET in subroutine or interrupt program
Use MC/MCR in subroutine
Use MC/MCR in interrupt program
A circuit error occurs
if a combination of
instructions is
incorrectly specified.
Select programming
mode and correct
the identified error