
DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2/SE Operation Manual - Programming
Request message
PLC device
High byte Low byte
D6257 ~ D6281 Reserved
Command: Fixed to “01”.
ReqID: The request ID. Whenever an SDO request message is sent out, the message will
be given a ReqID for CANopen master to identify. When reading/writing another SDO
message, the original ID number must be changed. In other words, to read/write SDO is
triggered by changing of the value of “ReqID”. ReqID range: 00 (Hex) ~ FF (Hex).
Size: The length of the message data. The counting starts from D6253 with byte as the unit.
When reading, it is fixed to 4 and when writing, it is 4 plus the byte number of data types of
index and subindex and the maximum value is 8. But when writing, if the data type of index
and subindex is word, the data length is 6 or it is 5 if byte.
Node ID: The node address of the target equipment on CANopen network.
Type: 01 indicates the read access; 02 indicates the write access.
¾ The data format of the SDO response message:
Response message
PLC device
High byte Low byte
Status code
Reserved Size
Node ID
High byte of main index Low byte of main index
Reserved Sub-index
Datum 1 Datum 0
Datum 3 Datum 2
D6007 ~ D6031
Message Data
Status code:
The indication of the status code values in the response message:
Status code Explanation
0 No data transmission request
1 SDO message transmission succeeds.
2 SDO message is being transmitted.
3 Error: SDO transmission time-out
4 Error: Illegal command code
5 Error: the length of the transmitted data is illegal.
6 Error: the length of the response data is illegal.
7 Error: Equipment to be sent messages is busy.
8 Error: Illegal type
9 Error: Incorrect node address
0A Error message (See the error code for SDO response message)
0B~FF Reserved
ResID: Same as the request ID in the request message.
Size: The length of the message data. Max. 20 bytes. Unit: byte. When writing, it is 4; the
data length is decided by the data type of index and subindex when reading.
Node ID: The node address of the target equipment on CANopen network.