Chapter 8 Using SDO Protocol API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 8-1
Chapter 8 Using SDO Protocol API
Table 8.1
Function Name Description
_DMC_01_check_canopen_lock Under SDO mode, check to see if next
command can be executed
_DMC_01_get_canopen_ret Get data returned by CANopen (SDO related
_DMC_01_set_pdo_mode Set to use CANopen protocol (PDO or SDO)
_DMC_01_send_message Send SDO command message to data buffer
Send SDO command message to data buffer
and exit data buffer once command is set
_DMC_01_read_message Read last SDO command message into data
Read the last SDO command message into
data buffer and return number of reads
_DMC_01_get_message Get SDO command message and place in data
_DMC_01_reset_sdo_choke When SDO command is blocked, reset SDO
_DMC_01_get_sdo_retry_history Get number of SDO resends