Chapter 40 Linear and Arc Interpolation Motion Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
40-2 Revised March, 2012
40.1 _DMC_01_start_rline_xy
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_start_rline_xy (U16 CardNo, U16* NodeID, U16* SlotID,
I32 pos1_x, I32 pos1_y, I32 pos2_x, I32 pos2_y, U16 mode, F64 param, I32 StrVel,
I32 MaxVel, F64 Tacc, F64 Tdec,U16 m_curve, U16 m_r_a)
2-axis linear, arc R-angle interpolation motion control.
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo U16 Number Unit CardNo is between 0~15
NodeID U16* Number Unit Node ID
SlotID U16* Number Unit Slot ID
Pos1_x I32 Number Unit X-coordinate of first position
Pos1_y I32 Number Unit Y-coordinate of first position
Pos2_x I32 Number Unit X-coordinate of second position
Pos2_y I32 Number Unit Y-coordinate of second position
Mode U16 Selection
0: Perpendicular distance from arc to right angle
1: Perpendicular distance from start of arc to
right angle (AB)
2: Arc radius (AB)
Param F64 Number Unit Relative mode distance
Pulses per
Starting velocity
Pulses per
Maximum velocity
Tacc F64 Second Specified acceleration time
Tdec F64 Second Specified deceleration time
m_curve U16 Selection
1: T-curve
2: S-curve
m_r_a U16 Selection
0: Relative motion displacement
1: Absolute motion displacement