[ ]
[ ]
IP address of an FTP server you have specified
Current directory reserved
Entry box for a directory and/or file name
File name currently selected (Nothing displays at the
initial state of the FTP client.)
Status message
DIR/FILE entry box: The FTP client will interpret a character string entered into this box
as a directory name
at first
, so it will send a Change Directory request to the FTP
server. If the specified directory exists in the FTP server, the server will change a
directory from the default to that specified one; if not, the FTP client will interpret the
entered character string as a file name and send a Download request to the server.
FIELDS entry box: Only when downloading a data file, you need to enter field informa-
tion into this box. Before starting downloading, enter field information by using
numerical keys and period (.) key. Pressing the period (.) key will enter a comma (,). For
downloading of program files, nothing is required to enter.
[7.2] Uploading by FTP
Selecting "2:UPLOAD" on the FTP MENU calls up
the screen shown at left if a file(s) exists. The
current settings are displayed.
1 DIR/FILE : Specifies a directory and/or file
name. (For details, refer to the
next page.)
2 SELECT FILE : Selects a file to be uploaded. (For
details, refer to the next page.)
Select a desired item by using the numerical keys
and keys, and then press the ENT key.
If you select "1:DIR/FILE," its entry box becomes
ready to accept entry and shows a cursor.
Enter the desired value by using the numerical
keys and period (.) key, and then press the ENT
Pressing the SF key switches the entry mode
between the numeric mode (without a guidance)
and alphabet mode.
In the entry mode, to delete a single character,
press the BS key ( SF + C keys). To delete the
whole entry you made, press the C key.
To return to the FTP MENU, press the C key when
any item is highlighted.