[ 3 ] About "$$BRKLST.SYS"
If Scandisk finds an invalid file(s), it will automatically create the "$$BRKLST.SYS" file.
To check the contents of the file, upload the file in System Mode to the host computer.
(Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, "[ 3 ] Uploading.")
Contents of the "$$BRKLST.SYS" file
Records (1) File name
(2) Error factor + (Broken since the BHT has not been turned off
* (Broken due to any other causes)
(3) Broken records e.g. 01000-01200 (Data in records numbered 1000 to
1200 is lost)
SAMPLE1.DAT + 01000-01050 If more than one sequence of records is broken in
SAMPLE1.DAT + 01200-01250 a same file, they will be written into the
SAMPLE1.DAT + 01600-01650 subsequent records in the "$$BRKLST.SYS."
SAMPLE2.DAT * 00250-00275
SAMPLE3.DAT * 00100-00150
(1) (2) (3)
[ 4 ] If invalid files are found
Even invalid, files may be uploaded, so upload them to the host computer according to
your needs.
After uploading,
- Delete those invalid files. (Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, "[ 9 ] Deleting Files.")
- Download valid files having the same names as invalid files. (Refer to Subsection
2.5.3, "[ 2 ] Downloading.")