
BBus masters and slaves
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NS7520 Hardware Reference, Rev. D 03/2006
BBus masters and slaves
The BBus module consists of bus master and bus slave modules. The BBus state
machine allows each bus master to control the bus in a round-robin manner. If a bus
master does not require the bus resources when its turn comes around, that bus is
skipped until the next round-robin slot. Each potential bus master presents the BBus
with request and attribute signals. Once mastership is granted, the targeted device is
Table 19 illustrates bus master and slave modules.
Cycles and BBus arbitration
During a normal cycle, each bus master cycle is allowed only one read/write cycle if
another bus master is waiting. There are two exceptions to this rule: burst
transactions and read-modify-write transactions.
In a burst transaction, the master can perform more than one read or write cycle. In
a read-modify-write transaction, the bus master performs one read and write cycle to
the same location.
Module Master Slave
CPU module Y Y
BUS module Y Y
EFE module Y
DMA module Y Y
GEN module Y
MEM module Y
SER module Y
Table 19: BBus masters and slaves