DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 20 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
5.4 GetCommandVersion (0x84)
Command Label
Command Byte
Input Parameter(s)
Return Data Stream
[VerMajor] [VerMinor]
[Reserved1] [Reserved2]
As defined in this document in Section 1.5
VerMajor: 0x00 – 0xFF; VerMinor: 0x00 – 0xFF
Reserved1, Reserved2: 0x00
Return Response
ACK_FCNOK : Always Success
Return Value
0x0000 : Always Success
This command displays the version of the Data Port Service Command ICD
specification the software was coded to.
5.5 GetCurrentChannel (0x87)
Command Label
Command Byte
Input Parameter(s)
Return Data Stream
Return Response
ACK_FCNOK : Success
NACK_FCNOK : Failure – STB not tuned to a DIRECTV System channel
Return Value
0x0000 : Success
Non-Zero : Failure – STB not tuned to a DIRECTV System channel
The STB will execute a GetCurrentChannel command by providing the major/minor
channel number (i.e., for the DIRECTV system channel the STB is tuned to) in the
Return Data Stream.
Example #1:
Scenario –Find out what channel a single tuner STB is tuned to (STB is tuned to channel 276
which in hexadecimal notation is 0x114).
Input GetCurrentChannel Command 0xFA 0x87
Input 0xFA 0x87