DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 45 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
Tatung 20041
Teac 20000, 20041
Technics 20035, 20162
Teknika 20035, 20037, 20000
Thomas 20000
Tivo 20618, 20636
TMK 20240
Toshiba 20045, 20043, 21145, 20845, 21972
Totevision 20037, 20240
Touch 21972
Unitech 20240
Vector 20045
Vector Research 20038
Video Concepts 20045
Videomagic 20037
Videosonic 20240
Viewsonic 21972
Villain 20000
Wards 20060, 20035, 20048, 20047, 20081, 20240, 20000,
20042, 20072, 20149
White Westinghouse 20209, 20072
XR-1000 20035, 20000, 20072
Yamaha 20038
Zenith 20039, 20033, 20000, 20209, 21479, 20479
ZT Group 21972
Table 16 Setup Codes for Digital Video Disks (Y)
Advent 21016
Akai 20899
Allegro 20869
Apex Digital 20672, 20717, 20794, 20830, 21061, 20755, 20797,
21056, 20796, 21020, 21100
Audiovox 21072, 21071
Axion 21072, 21071
Blaupunkt 20717
Blue Parade 20571
Broksonic 20868, 20695
CineVision 20876, 20869
Coby 21086
Curtis Mathes 21087