xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
The previous window contains the following fields to configure for PoE:
Parameter Description
PoE System
Power Limit
Sets the limit of power to be used from the Switch’s power source to PoE ports. The user may
configure a Power Limit between 37 and 370w.
Power Disconnect
The PoE controller uses either Deny next port or Deny low priority port to offset the power
limit being exceeded and keep the Switch’s power at a usable level. Use the drop down menu
to select a Power Disconnect Method. The default for the Power Disconnect Method is Deny
next port. Both Power Disconnection Methods are described below:
Deny next port - After the power limit has been exceeded, the next port attempting to power
up is denied, regardless of its priority.
Deny low priority port - After the power limit has been exceeded, the next port attempting to
power up causes the port with the lowest priority to shut down to allow the high-priority and
critical priority ports to power up.
PoE Configuration
From… To…
Select a range of ports from the pull-down menus to be enabled or disabled for PoE.
Use the pull-down menu to enable or disable ports for PoE.
Use the pull-down menu to select the priority of the PoE ports.
Power Limit
Sets the power limit per PoE port. Once this threshold has been reached on the port, the PoE
will go into the Power Disconnect Method, as described above. The user may set a limit
between 1000 and 16800mW
Click Apply to implement changes made to the PoE settings. The port status of all PoE configured ports is displayed in the table
in the bottom half of the screen shown above.
User Accounts
Use the User Account Management window to control user privileges. To view existing User Accounts, click Administration >
User Accounts.
Figure 6- 7. User Accounts window
To add a new user, click on the Add button. To modify or delete an existing user, click on the Modify button for that user.
Figure 6- 8. User Accounts Add Table