WAN Interface Settings – Using PPTP
PPTP over Ethernet connections
are used in some DSL and cable
modem networks.
You need your account details, and
possibly also IP configuration
parameters of the actual physical
interface that the PPTP tunnel runs
over. Your ISP should supply this
Username – The login or
username supplied to you
by your ISP.
• Password – The
password supplied to you
by your ISP.
• PPTP Server IP – The IP
of the PPTP server that
the DFL-200 should
connect to.
Before PPTP can be used to connect to you ISP the physical (WAN) interface parameters
need to be supplied, it’s possible to use either DHCP or Static IP, this depends on the type of
ISP used and this information should be supplied by them.
If using static IP, this information need to be filled in.
• IP Address – The IP address of the WAN interface. This IP is used to connect to
the PPTP server.
• Subnet Mask – Size of the external network.
• Gateway IP – Specifies the IP address of the default gateway used to reach for
the Internet.