Power: A solid light indicates a proper connection to the power supply.
Status: System status indicators, The LED has a solid green, the device is working
normally. If the LED is light off the unit is defective.
WAN, DMZ & LAN ports: Ethernet port indicators, Green. The LED flickers when the
ports are sending or receiving data.
Physical Connections
Console: Serial access to the firewall software, 9600, 8bit, None Parity, 1Stop bit.
Internal Ports (LAN): Use these ports to connect the internal computers f the office.
DMZ Port: Use this port to connect to the company’s server(s), which needs direct
connection to the Internet (FTP, SNMP, HTTP and DNS).
External Port (WAN): Use this port to connect to the external router, DSL modem, or
Cable modem.
Reset: Reset the DFL-200 to the original default settings.
DC Power: connect one end of the power supply to this port, the other end to the
electrical wall outlet.