Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 121
March 2012
Appendix B - Conguration Examples
Conguring Client QoS
This example shows how to enable client QoS, congure an ACL and a DiffServ policy on the AP, and to apply the
ACL and the Policy to trafc transmitted from clients associated with VAP 2 and received by the AP.
The IPv4 ACL is named acl1 and contains two rules. The rst rule allows HTTP trafc from the subnet.
The second rule allows all IP trafc from the management station ( All other trafc is denied due to the
implicit deny all rule at the end of the ACL. The ACL is applied to the inbound interface on the AP so that packets are
checked when the AP receives trafc from associated clients.
The DiffServ policy in this example shows how to establish default DiffServ behavior for clients associating with the
VAP that do not obtain a DiffServ policy name through the RADIUS server. Voice trafc (UDP packets) received from
clients in the subnet that has the VoIP server as its destination address (, is marked with
the IP DSCP value for expedited forwarding so that it takes priority over other trafc.
Conguring QoS by Using the Web Interface
ACL Conguration
1.) Log onto the AP and navigate to the Client QoS > Client QoS ACL page.
2.) Enter acl1in the ACL Name eld, and click Add ACL.
Figure 74 - Conguring QoS by Using the Web Interface (ACL Name)
The screen refreshes, and additional elds appear.
Figure 75 - Conguring QoS by Using the Web Interface (Rule1)
3.) From the Action menu, select Permit.
4.) Clear the Match Every option.
5.) Verify that the Protocol option is selected and IP is selected from the Select From List menu.
6.) Congure the remaining settings:
•) Source IP Address: