Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 62
March 2012
Section 4 - Managing the Access Point
Conguring Managed Access Point Settings
To add the IP address of a D-Link Unied Wireless Switch to the AP, click the Managed Access Point tab under the
Manage heading and update the elds shown in the table below.
Figure 30 - Congure Managed AP Wireless Switch Parameters
Field Description
Managed AP
Click Enabled to allow the AP and switch to discover each other. If the AP successfully
authenticates itself with a wireless switch, you will not be able to access the Administrator
Click Disabled to prevent the AP from contacting wireless switches.
Switch IP Address
Enter the IP address of up to four wireless switches that can manage the AP. You can
enter the IP address in dotted format or as an DNS name.
You can view a list of wireless switches on your network that were congured by using a
DHCP server.
The AP attempts to contact Switch IP Address 1 rst.
Base IP Port The starting IP port number used by the wireless feature (in a range of 10 consecutive port
numbers). Only the rst number in the range is congurable. The default value is 57775
(through 57784).
Note: When the wireless Base IP Port number is changed on the switch, the wireless
feature is automatically disabled and re-enabled. The new value is not sent as part of the
global switch conguration in the cluster conguration distribution command; every switch in
the cluster must be congured independently with the new Wireless IP port number.
Note: When the wireless Base IP Port number is changed from its default value on the
switch, it must also be changed on the Access Points.
Pass Phrase Select the Edit option and enter a passphrase to allow the AP to authenticate itself with the
wireless switch. The passphrase must be between 8 and 63 characters.
To remove the password, select Edit, delete the existing password, and then click Apply.
You must congure the same passphrase on the switch.
WDS Managed
Specify whether the AP will act as a Root AP or Satellite AP within the WDS group:
•) Root AP — Acts as a bridge or repeater on the wireless medium and communicates
with the switch via the wired link.
•) Satellite AP — Communicates with the switch via a WDS link to the Root AP. This
mode enables the Satellite AP to discover and establish WDS link with the Root AP.
WDS Managed
Ethernet Port
Specify whether the Ethernet port is to be enabled or disabled when the AP becomes part
of a WDS group.
WDS Group
Password for WPA2 Personal authentication used to establish the WDS links. Only the
Satellite APs need this conguration. The Root APs get the password from the switch when
they become managed.
Table 33 - Managed Access Point
Note: After you congure the settings on the Managed Access Point page, you must click Apply
to apply the changes and to save the settings. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop
and restart system processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity.
We recommend that you change AP settings when WLAN trafc is low.
If the UAP successfully authenticates with a D-Link Unied Wireless Switch, you will loose access to the AP through
the Administrator UI.