
The relative volume level can be determined by noting the position
of the index on the On-Off/Volume knob. To enable a reference tone for
setting the volume, proceed as follows:
If key press tones are enabled (see page 20), a short tone sounds when
front panel keys are pressed.
If a conventional channel is selected and the Monitor option switch is
programmed (see page 26), pressing that switch unsquelches/squelches
the receiver and either voice or background noise is heard. If a
SMARTNET/SmartZone channel is selected, the receiver cannot be
manually unsquelched.
The backlight for the display and keypad can be manually turned on
by pressing the Backlight option switch if it is available. It can also be
dealer programmed to automatically turn on when any key is pressed. It
then automatically turns off after a programmed delay so that battery
drain is minimized.
Option Switches
The programmable option switches are as follows:
F1, F2, and F3 on front panel. In addition, with full keypad (15-key)
models, the *, and # keys are programmable.
AUX and FCN on the side panel
If your radio is programmed with both conventional and
SMARTNET/SmartZone channels (see page 23), these option switches
can be dealer programmed to control a different set of functions for each
channel type. For example, the F1 switch could select Hi/Lo Power when
a conventional channel is selected and Private Calls when a
SMARTNET/SmartZone channel is selected. The available functions in
each mode are indicated in the tables on pages 9 and 10. If the
programmed functions are not indicated in these tables, consult your