Call Guard Squelch Enable/Disable
To disable Call Guard (Selective) squelch so that all messages on the
selected or scanned channels are heard, press the Normal/Selective option
switch if programmed. Then to re-enable Call Guard squelch, press the
Normal/Selective switch again.
When Call Guard squelch is disabled by this switch, “SQ NORM” is
flashed on the lower line of the display, and when it is enabled, “SQ
SLCT” is flashed. The mode selected by this switch does not change
when other channels are selected or power is cycled. Call Guard squelch
can also be disabled by the monitor mode described on page 26.
Changing the Call Guard Code
If you have the full keypad (15-key) model and the ability to change
Call Guard codes has been enabled by programming, the transmit and
receive codes from one channel can be temporarily or permanently reas-
signed to all channels of the current zone. Proceed as follows:
1. Using the number keys, enter the number of the channel that is
programmed with the code you want to reassign to all channels (only
channels 1-9 can be selected). See “Display Mode Selection” on
page 25 for information on displaying channel numbers.
2. The display then briefly indicates “CODE x”, where “x” is the key you
pressed. The codes assigned to that channel are then reassigned to all
the other channels in the current zone. The reassignments remain in
effect even after power is cycled.
3. To restore all Call Guard codes in the current zone to the original
settings, press the “0” key.
Penalty Timer
A penalty timer may be programmed on conventional channels to
prevent transmissions for a period of time after the time-out timer
described on page 19 disables the transmitter. The penalty timer starts