0107 17
8. Characteristics
Label of energetic performance (gas heating only)
The global output hg of the gas heated washer-extractor is determinated according to a stand-
ardised method and shall not be lower than 50 %.
This output minimal level is indicated on the machine's marking by the symbol .
Beyond the output minimal level hereabove specifi ed, a label of energetic performance is given
to the machine according to its global output hg and according to the hereunder chart.
The indication of the energetic performance of this washer-extractor is of .
Sound level
Airborne noise emitted by the machine
(values established from measurements
made on machine at points A, B, C, and D).
Weighted sound pressure level (A) in dB(A).
Washer 250 Washer 350 Washer 500 Washer 650
washing / spinning washing / spinning washing / spinning washing / spinning
A 61,5 73,5 60 71.5 61 72 61 72
B 62,5 76 60 75.5 62 74 60 75
C 61,5 73,5 61 75.5 61 72 61 73
D 62,5 76 61.5 72.5 62 74 62 74
Symbolisation of the label
Value of the output hg
50 % <= hg < 65 %
65 % <= hg < 80 %
hg >= 80 %