0608 20
9. Installation
Legend of symbols used
I: machine working with only one gas family
II: machine working with two gas families
1: 1
family : caol gas or town gas (for information : not used here)
2: 2
family : natural gas
3 : 3
family : liquefi ed petroleum gas (LPG)
H : natural gas with high calorifi c value (type G20)
L : natural gas with low calorifi c value (type G25)
E : natural gas with high and low calorifi c value (type G20)
LL : natural gas with low calorifi c value (type G25)
Esi : natural gas with high and low calorifi c value with adjustment (type G20)
B : butane gas (type G30)
P : propane gas (type G31)
B/P : butane and propane gas (type G30 and G31)
3+ : butane/propane gas with couple of pressure 30/37 (type G30 and G31)
Qn (Hi) : nominal heat emission express in relation to the net calorifi c value
Mn : nominal mass (for butane/propane gas)
Vn : nominal volume (for naturel gas)
AT : Austria FI : Finland LU : Luxemburg
BE : Belgium FR : France NL : Netherlands
CH : Switzerland GB : Great Britain NO : Norway
DK : Denmark GR : Greece PT : Portugal
DE : Germany IE : Irland SE : Sweden
ES : Spain IT : Italy
Country Category Gas Pressure (mbar)
AT I2H G20 20
DE I2E G20 20
I3P G31 50
BE I2E(S)B G20/G25 20/25
I3P G31 37
DK-FI-SE-IT I2H G20 20
FR II2ESI3P G20/G25 20/25
G31 37/50
ES-GR-IE II2H3P G20 20
PT-CH-GB G31 37
ES-CH II2H3P G20 20
G31 50
NL II2L3P G25 25
G31 50
LU I2E G20 20