Function Host agent Server utility
Requires network
connectivity to the storage
Yes – Network connectivity allows
LUN mapping information to be
available to the storage system.
AX-series storage systems
No – LUN mapping information is sent
through a data path to the storage system.
CX3-series and CX-series storage systems
No – LUN mapping information is not sent to the storage system.
Note that if you are using the server utility to upload a high availability
report to the storage system, you must have network connectivity.
Requires installation. Yes – You must install the host
agent on the server.
AX-series storage systems
No – You can run the server utility from the CD.
However, we recommend that you install it on the server.
CX3-series and CX-series storage systems
No – You can run the server utility from the CD. However, we
recommend that you install it on the server. You must install the utility
to use the registration service feature (described above).
Note: If you install both the host agent and revision 6.22.20 or later of the server utility (the order of which does not matter), the server
utility’s registration service feature will not be installed. Prior to revision 6.22.20 of the server utility, you could not install the host agent
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide