Configuring the N
avisphere Host Agent
Before you can use
the Navisphere CLI navicli register command
to configure a CX3
-series, CX-series, or AX-series storage system
connected to a hos
t agent, you must make sure the host agent
configuration f
ile includes a privileged user, as described in Adding
privileged user
s, page 28.
Note: The pathname of the host agent configuration file is
/etc/Navisphere/agent.config .
If you are configuring a legacy storage system, refer to revision A09 of
this guide.
Note: A legacy system is an FC-series storage system that is not running
storage management server software.
Adding privileged users
If you will use Navisphere CLI to configure any storage system, the
host agent configuration file must include an entry that defines the
person who will issue the CLI commands as a privileged user.
adding the appropriate entry below.
For a local user:
user name
For a remote user:
user name@hostname
where name istheperson’saccountnameandhostname isthenameof
the remote server the person will be using.
The default host agent configuration file includes a user root entry.
Saving the host agent configuration file
1. Save the host agent configuration file.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide