EMC Fibre Channel Disk-Array Processor Enclosure (DPE) Hardware Reference
adding 3-30
description 1-11
installing 3-32
replacing 3-30
memory modules
installing 3-24
removing 3-24
power issues 3-4
power supply
adding 3-36
replacing 3-36
power supply, description 1-13
adding 3-26
installing 3-27
SP fan pack
description 1-14
replacing 3-36
SP, description 1-9
SPS g-5
storing 3-4
technical specifications A-1
current draw, DPE A-1
DAE (Disk-Array Enclosure)
configurations 1-17
defined 1-2, g-1
high-availability 1-17
depth, DPE A-2
DIMM (dual in-line memory module), See
memory module, SP memory module
disk drive, specifications A-3
disk module
adding 3-9
binding 2-18
defined g-2
description 1-12
drive specifications A-3
drive spin-up sequence 3-3
filler, removing 3-10
replacing 3-9
specifications A-3
status lights 1-8, 3-3
DPE (Disk-Array Processor Enclosure)
about 1-17
ac power requirements A-1
addressing requirements 2-2
cabling requirements 2-2
components 1-3, 1-4
configurations 1-17
defined g-2
depth A-2
description 1-4
disk module, See disk module 1-12
drive fan pack
description 1-14
removing 2-11
drive fan pack, See drive fan pack 1-15
front panel 1-8
midplane 1-8
fillers 1-4
front door, description 1-9
front panel, description 1-8
height A-2
high availability features 1-4
installing in cabinet 2-3
LCC, description 1-11
monitoring status 3-1
operating limits A-5
optical cables, attaching 2-14
power requirements 2-1
power supply, description 1-13
powering down 3-5, 3-39
powering up 3-44
power-up and initialization sequence 2-16
securing to cabinet 2-6
size A-2
SP fan pack
description 1-14
replacing 3-14
status light 3-2
standards certification/compliance A-3
status lights 1-8, 3-2
drive fan pack Check 3-3
technical specifications A-1
weight A-2
width A-2
drive fan pack
description 1-14
installing 3-35
removing 2-11