Installing an SP or SP Filler Module
Servicing and Upgrading a DPE
Installing an SP or SP
Filler Module
Handle an SP gently and use an ESD wristband.
1. Perform this step only if you are installing the DPE into an FC-AL
environment. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
If the DPE is operating in a Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop
environment, each SP requires a unique FC-AL address ID on the
loop to communicate with a server/host. If you are installing a
replacement SP, set its address to be the same as that of the SP you
removed. If you are installing an add-on SP, set the address to a
unique address on the loop. The FC-AL protocol translates the
address ID into an 8-bit arbitrated loop physical address (ALPA).
Valid Fibre Channel address IDs range from 0 through 125
(decimal), 0 through 7D (hexadecimal).
Using the SP FC-AL ID switches, set the FC-AL address ID, as
shown in Figure 3-18.