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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 20 • Data Backup
The database backup screen provides the operator a
way to extract information out of the Vission 20/20 for
backup purposes or diagnostics, see Figure 20-1 Data
Backup Screen. Through this screen, the operator can
download all the Setpoint Databases, Maintenance Logs,
Event Lists, Freeze Data, Trend Data and Compressor Run
Hours to a portable USB fl ash drive. That information can
then be uploaded back to the Vission 20/20 in the case
of data corruption or to update the Vission program.
Built in migrate function examines the previous setpoint
databases, compares it with newer program setpoint da-
tabase, and moves the old information into the new pro-
gram. In addition, this screen also allows the operator to
reset all values to the factory defaults.
All of the information saved to the USB fl ash drive is
open information. Meaning none of the information is
encrypted and the operator is free to examine it. The log
fi les are all saved as simple ASCII text and the databases
can be examined with SQLite.
• The Refresh button is used to initiate a scan of the
USB ports and list any devices found in the “Available
Devices” window.
Save / Load
Save / Load section is where the operator can either save
the Vission 20/20 setpoints and log information to a
USB fl ash drive or load from a USB fl ash drive back to the
Vission 20/20.
• Selecting save allows the operator to save the Vission
20/20 data to a USB fl ash drive using the information
provided further down the screen. The bottom but-
ton will be labeled “Save” when this is selected.
Figure 20-1. Data Backup Screen - Save/Load