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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 4 Main Screen
Figure 4-1. Main Screen
The Main Screen is the rst screen encountered when
powering up the Vission 20/20 Panel, see Figure 4-1.
Main Screen. This screen is designed as the starting
point for all succeeding screens and provides as much in-
formation as possible at a glance. The Main Screen is di-
vided into four sections. Three of the sections are static;
Top Status Bar, Bottom Status Bar and Parameters Bar.
These three sections of the main screen will remain vis-
ible while navigating through other screens and provide
a constant view of critical information. The splash screen
is the only dynamic section. All navigation to any other
screens will be performed through the Main Screen.