Parameter RTU ASCII
Data Bits 8 7
Parity None Even
Stop Bits 1 1
Flow Control None None
Read Timeout 500 ms 500 ms
Try 2 2
Register Mode Daniel (SIM_2251) or PLC-LH
Daniel (SIM_2251) or PLC-LH
4. 4. Click OK.
7.1.3 Obtain Modbus Data
To read or write register contents to the GC, or any other device, do the following:
To learn the variable names that are assigned to the Modbus registers before retrieving the data,
generate a GC Config Report and review the Communication section.
1. In the Slave Addr field, type the COM ID of the GC. The Modbus program will accept a
slave address value of 1 to 247.
To use Broadcast Mode, which directs the Modbus program to poll all known
devices, enter 0 in the Slave Addr field. Each device interprets this poll attempt as an
instruction to read and take action; however, a response message may not be
received by the Modbus program.
2. Select the desired read or write option from the Function pull down menu.
Function Code Description Broadcast
1 (Read Coil) Reads one or more coil values.
2 (Read Input Status) Reads one or more input status values.
3 (Read Multiple Regs) Reads one or more register values.
4 (Read Input Regs) Reads one or more input register values.
5 (Set Single Coil) Set (write) one coil value
6 (Set Single Reg) Set (write) one register value
15 (Set Multiple Coils) Set (write) multiple coil values
16 (Set Multiple Regs) Set (write) multiple register values
3. Type the starting register value in the Data Addr field.