3 Hardware
Many of a gas chromatograph’s hardware components—such as its heaters, valves, and
discrete outputs—can be easily managed through MON2020.
This chapter shows you how to view and administer each of a gas chromatograph’s major
hardware components.
This chapter also shows you how to view an inventory of all of a gas chromatograph’s
installed hardware components.
3.1 Heater configuration
MON2020 allows you to do the following from the Heaters window:
• Name each heater.
• Monitor the heaters' performance.
• Set a target temperature.
3.1.1 Set the temperature of the gas chromatograph’s heaters
You can set a heater’s desired temperature or fix its power output by selecting Heaters…
from the Hardware menu.
Each heater can be set to one of the following modes:
Auto Allows you to set the desired temperature for the heater.
Fixed On Allows you to set the power output for the heater without regard to
Not Used Removes the heater from service.
3.1.2 Rename a heater
To assign an identifying label to a heater, do the following:
1. Select Heaters… from the Hardware menu.
The Heaters window displays.
2. Double-click on the appropriate row under the Label column for the heater that you
want to name.
3. Type in a descriptive name for the heater. This name must be unique; two heaters
cannot share the same label.
4. Click OK.