When replacing the stationary members of the seal
on the VSS 451 thru VSS 601 the roll pin in the cover
is used only with the seal assembly having a station-
ary mirror face. If a seal assembly with a stationary
carbon face is installed, the roll pin must be removed.
A) Install new oil seal in cover.
Care must be taken when handling the shaft seal and
mirror face so it is not damaged. Do not touch the
carbon or mirror face as body oil and sweat will cause
the mirror face to corrode.
B) To install the carbon cartridge part of the seal
in the seal cover; clean the seal cover, remove
protective plastic from the carbon cartridge, do
not wipe or touch the carbon face. Lubricate the
sealing O-ring with clean compressor lubricating
oil. If applicable, align the hole on the back of
the carbon cartridge with the dowel pin in the
seal cover. Install cartridge using seal installation
tool or similar (see tool lists).
C) Wipe clean, the compressor input shaft and the
shaft seal cavity in the compressor housing. Ap-
ply clean compressor oil to the shaft seal seating
area on input shaft.
D) Lubricate the inside area of the rotating seal with
clean compressor lubricating oil, do not wipe
or touch the face of the rotating portion of the
seal. Align the slot in the rotating seal with the
drive pin on the compressor input shaft. Care-
fully push the seal on, holding onto the outside
area of the seal until the seal seats against the
Seal Assembly
w/ Stationary Mirror Face