GL815E Endura Motherboard Product Manual
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4.3 Customization
There are a number of features of the BIOS that can be customized and the software to accomplish
this is contained within the BIOS OEM kit ZIP file that can be obtained from the Manuals, Drivers &
BIOS section on the RadiSys web site, www.radisys.com. The ‘Readme.txt’ file also contained in
this ZIP provides updated customization information and should be read before proceeding.
The process involves creating a new update disk that contains the customized BIOS. The steps
below will guide you through the process.
". Obtain both the update and OEMKIT ZIP files from the Manuals, Drivers & BIOS section on the
RadiSys web site, www.radisys.com.
2. Unzip the contents of the update ZIP to an empty directory on your hard drive.
3. Unzip the contents of the OEMKIT ZIP to the same directory as step 2. This may replace some
4. Replace the 'Logo.bmp' file with a customized logo if required (see description below).
5. Replace the 'P6upd.bin' file with a customized version if required (see description below).
6. Run MAKEBIOS to create the customized binary.
7. Create the update diskette by running CRISDISK /O with a blank diskette in the floppy drive and
following the instructions.
8. Using a reference or 'gold' board, update its BIOS with the diskette created in step 6 above
using the standard update procedure.
9. Re-boot the board and run the BIOS setup utility.
"0. Configure the board as required.
"". From the Exit menu, save the new settings to flash and re-boot the board with the update disk
still in the floppy drive.
"2. There should be no reported difference between disk and ROM BIOS versions at this point and
you will be prompted to read-back the BIOS. Select this to extract the motherboard ROM image
and save it to the update disk, replacing the BIOS binary in the file BIOS.ROM.
"3. The diskette is now a fully customized update disk. Save the BIOS.ROM file back to the
directory on your hard disk used in step 2, replacing the previous version.
"4. Create a new version of the update disk by running CRISDISK (with no switches) with a blank
diskette in the floppy drive and following the instructions.
The customized 'Logo.bmp' file must be a "6-colour standard BMP format file. The palette can be
chosen at will but note that three colors are used by the BIOS for the start-up progress indicator,
text and background - palette entries 8, 7 and 0 respectively. The total size of the BMP file must not
exceed 40960 bytes which represents approximately 80k pixels. The BIOS will center the image on
the screen.
Intel microprocessors allow for their microcode to be updated by the BIOS to workaround some
outstanding errata. Each processor type and revision has a unique update image and the BIOS
supports a maximum of four contained in the 'P6upd.bin' file. To customize the processor microcode
update selections, create a new version of this file by concatenating four microcode updates in
binary form - these can be obtained from Intel.