
Control Codes
Page 152 100-88002 Rev B
Transport Control
The Epic 880
is available with a transport that allows a printed ticket to be delivered
only after the ticket is cut. To allow configuration and control of this feature several
commands are provided. Note see [ENQ]<29> below for Jam and Transport status.
The Epic 880 has a ticket retract feature. It can be configured to automatically retract
a ticket after a period of time or by command. This is configurable in the configuration
or by command.
Function Set Transport Mode and Maximum ticket Loop
ASCII [ESC] i <f><v>
Hexadecimal 1BH 69H <f><v>
Decimal <27> <105> <f><v>
Description This command configured the transport operation and sets the maximum
ticket loop allowed to be captured by the transport. There are three features
configured by this command. This first is if the transport will hold or drop the delivered
ticket. The second is if the Cut command will automatically deliver the ticket through
the transport. The third is how long of a ticket may be stored in the transport before it
is cut.
Where: f = Feature and v = setting
if f = 1 then v sets the maximum ticket that can be stored in the transport.
where v = 3 to 16 inches.
if f = 2 then v sets the Drop of Hold setting.
where v = 1 for drop and 0 for hold.
if f = 3 then v sets the Cut and transport mode.
where v = 0 the cut command will also transport the ticket. If v = 1 the cut will not
transport the ticket. The ticket must be transported by command.
if f = 4 then v sets the auto retract timeout in seconds. If v = 0 the auto retract is off.
This value remains in affect until changed by this command or the printer is reset. A
printer reset will load the configured timeout.
Function Deliver Ticket
Hexadecimal 1BH 6BH
Decimal <27> <107>
Description This command will deliver a previously cut ticket. This command
requires that the Cut/Transport mode be set to cut only.
Function Transport Feed
ASCII [ESC] j <n>
Hexadecimal 1BH 6AH <n>
Decimal <27> <106> <n>
Description This command feeds the transport independently of the print paper feed.
This command may be used to drop a previously held ticket or clear the transport on
error. This feed is based on the current vertical motion unit, which is typically 203
steps per inch.