Control Codes
100-88002 Rev B Page 177
Double Level Loader
It is desirable in some applications to allow the host application to enter boot load
mode and update the firmware. Normally this is prevented by design, and it is not
possible for the normal operating mode of the printer to enter the factory boot mode.
A Watch Dog timer will reset the printer if abnormal conditions are detected; this timer
protects the normal operating mode from being corrupted by an unexpected event.
The factory boot loader does not support the Watch Dog timer. If for any reason, the
normal operating mode enters the factory boot loader, the printer will reset in about
500 mS.
To allow the application to update the operating firmware, an optional second loader
is provided.
Entering Field Boot Load Mode.
To enter field Boot Load mode, the following command should be used:
Function Enter Field Boot load mode
ASCII [ESC] ~[SO]% or [ESC] ~[SO]# or [ESC] ~[SO]$
Hexadecimal 1BH 7EH 0EH 25H
Decimal <27> <126> <14> <37>
Description This command waits for 200 Ms for the printer to be idle, turns off all
active drivers and enters Field Boot load mode. No communications should be
attempted for 2 seconds after this command is processed.
When In Field boot load mode, the firmware image file provided by Transact should
be sent to the printer. The communications will be the same as normal operating
The [ESC] ~[SO]# and [ESC] ~[SO]$ commands also enter boot load only the way the
USB enumerates may be altered. [ESC] ~[SO]# forces the boot load USB
enumeration to use a different PID (Product Identification). This allows a different
Windows driver to be evoked. [ESC] ~[SO]$ forces the boot load to use the same PID
as normal operation. This will force Windows to envoke the same driver that is used
for normal operation. The [ESC] ~[SO]% will use the current configuration.
Note: [ESC] ~[SO]# and [ESC] ~[SO]$ alter the configuration.
There are several commands available in field boot load mode that may be used by
the host application to query the printer.
Function Returns the boot loader ID
Hexadecimal 02H 42H
Decimal <2> <66>
Description Returns the Field Boot loader ID, e.g. PB4390-1.00[CR][LF]