Post-Installation Setup
After you install an option card, memory modules, or a math
coprocessor, you need to run the Setup program on the Reference
diskette to update the configuration information. For example, if you
add a hard disk, you need to let the computer know that it has the
additional drive. See Chapter 2 for instructions.
You may also need to add some commands in your configuration files.
See the MS-DOS Reference Manual and the instructions that came
with the option card for the procedure.
You may also want to test a newly-installed option. Some options
come with their own diagnostic test programs, and you can test
others with the diagnostic programs on your Reference diskette. You
can use the Reference diskette to test the following:
l Expansion memory
l 80387 math coprocessor
Serial and parallel ports
Monitors and display adapters
l Disk drives.
See Appendix C for instructions.
Installing Options