Base memory
The amount of memory in the computer below 1MB that is
available to MS-DOS and application programs-usually 640KB.
Also called main memory.
Batch file
A type of file that lets you execute a series of MS-DOS
commands by typing one command. Batch files are text files with
the filename extension .BAT. In a batch file, each command is
entered on a separate line. When you type the filename, all the
commands in that file are executed sequentially.
Baud rate
A measure of the speed of data transmission. Usually equivalent
to bits per second.
Basic Input/Output System. Routines in ROM memory that
handle basic input/output functions of the operating system.
A binary digit (0 or 1). The smallest unit of computer storage.
The value of a bit represents the presence (1) or absence (0) of an
electric charge.
To load the operating system or a program into the computer’s
A sequence or group of eight bits that represents one character.
Color Graphics Adapter. A type of circuit board that is installed
in one of the computer’s I/O slots that can generate up to 25 lines
of text with 80 characters on each line, or monochrome graphics
with a 640 x 200 resolution and four-color graphics at 320 x 200
Anything that can print in a single space on the page or the
screen. Includes numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and graphic
2 Glossary