Display adapter card
A circuit board that can be installed in one of the computer’s
option slots to provide the monitor interface. The display
adapter card controls the way the monitor displays text and
graphics. (In this computer, a VGA display adapter is built into
the system board.) Also called
Video card.
Disk Operating System. A commonly used operating system
that controls the computer’s input and output functions. See
Operating system.
A type of diskette format that allows you to store twice as
much data as the standard-density format. A
double-density diskette can store 360KB of data. A
double-density diskette can store 720KB of data.
Drive designator
The letter name of a disk drive, followed by a colon-for
Enhanced Graphics Adapter. A type of display adapter card
that allows you to display high-resolution graphics on a
compatible monitor. It can display up to 43 lines of text with
80 characters on each line, or it can display monochrome or
16-color graphics at up to 640 x 350 resolution.
Expanded memory
Memory that specially written MS-DOS application programs
can use with an Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) device
driver such as EMM386.SYS.
Glossary 7