Assigning Functions to the Effects Buttons
You can return Effects button assignments to their default values at
any time by selecting Defaults in the list box in the upper left corner
of the ELP Link III main dialog box.
Follow these steps to change Effects button assignments:
1. Click the list box that corresponds to the button you want to
change and select a new function from the list. (See the screen
on the preceding page.)
2. Repeat step 1 for each button to which you want to assign a new
3. If you want to modify any of the functions, click Detail Setting
and follow the instructions in “Modifying Functions” on
page 107.
4. If you want to create more than one set of button assignments,
go to “Saving and Recalling Effects Button Assignments” on
page 112. Otherwise, continue with step 5.
5. Click the Execute button at the bottom of the ELP Link III main
dialog box when you’ve made all your changes.
If you created only one set of Effects button assignments, these
assignments will be active whenever you use the Effects buttons. If
you created more than one set of assignments, the last set you
created will be active until you select a different set.
You will not be able to use the Effects buttons if ELP Link III
is active. Minimize or close the program first.