ELP Link III setting, 118, 120, 121
projector menu settings, 72, 74
specification, 149
control panel, 63 to 64, 70
Effects, see Effects buttons
remote control, see Remote control
adjusting the projected image, 74 to 75
connecting projector to, 11, 41 to 44
Case, cleaning, 132
Ceiling, hanging the projector from, 77,
batteries, 18 to 19
menu language, 77
projector settings, 70 to 71, 118 to 123
air filter, 133 to 134
case, 132
lens, 132
adjusting screen whiteness, 76, 123
balance, 73, 74, 120, 121
projector menu setting, 73, 74
saturation, 74, 120, 121
COM port, changing, 101
Compatibility, 153
Composite video, 41, 155
CompuServe, 7
Computer In pin assignments, 154
Computer Out pin assignments, 154
Computer, adjusting the projected image,
72 to 75
Computers, supported, 153
Connecting projector
to a desktop Macintosh, 29 to 34,
92 to 95
to a desktop PC, 23 to 25, 88 to 91
to a laptop PC, 26 to 28, 88 to 91
to a PA system, 45
to a PowerBook, 35 to 40, 92 to 95
to a video source, 41 to 44
to an external speaker, 45
Connector pin assignments, 154
definition, 155
ELP Link III setting, 120, 121
projector menu settings, 73, 74
Control panel, 63 to 64, 70
Cursor, changing shape, 81, 105, 109
Customizing the Effects buttons, 106,
109 to 111