Chapter 2 Setup
For Serial Interface
DIP Switch Bank 1
Transmission speed (DIP switch 1-7/1-8)
bps: bits per second
SW Function ON OFF
1-1 Data reception error Ignored Prints “?” OFF
1-2 Receive buffer capacity 45 bytes 4 KB OFF
1-3 Handshaking XON/XOFF DTR/DSR OFF
1-4 Word length 7 bits 8 bits OFF
1-5 Parity check Yes No OFF
1-6 Parity selection Even Odd OFF
Transmission speed selections
See the “ Transmission speed (DIP switch 1-
7/1-8)” table below.
1-8 ON
Transmission speed (bps) SW 1-7 SW 1-8
115200 (Initial value)
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
(When setting with a command/Memory Switch Setting
4800 OFF ON
9600 ON OFF
19200 OFF OFF
• The transmission speed can be set with a command or the memory switch utility.
(Setting values: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200) The value set with a
command or the memory switch utility is enabled only when DIP switches 1-7 and 1-8
are on. For other settings, the value set with the DIP switches is enabled.
• Depending on print conditions such as print duty, print head temperature, and data
transmission speed, print speed is automatically adjusted, which can cause white lines
due to intermittent print (the motor sometimes stops). To avoid this, set the transmission
speed higher or keep the print speed constant by setting it lower. (See "Setting the
Memory Switches" on page 38.)